Invested Interest, Buyers & Sellers get-together 2015

City : Warszawa
Place : Hotel Hilton
Date : 12.06.2015
Hour : 08:30 - 16:00
Status : closed
Invested Interest, Buyers & Sellers get-together 2015

According to analysts, the volume of this year’s investments in European commercial properties may exceed 250 billion euro. Poland – the biggest market of Central and Eastern Europe is among four largest developing markets which invest in properties right after such economies as Brazil, China and Mexico. The data was gathered thanks to the 23th survey conducted among members of the American Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE).


How many investors are going to turn their eyes towards Poland? 

Which premium offer is at Polish developers' disposal?

What does the market offer to local investors?

How does the offer look like outside Warsaw?

Which properties provide liquidity to smaller developers?

What is going to happen when demand and supply are to be met at the conference?


The participants of Invested Interest, Buyers & Sellers get-together 2015 are going to answer these and other questions at the conference.


Detailed information and registration form may be found on the website of the organizer.


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