Weekend – time for relax

Poles are looking for more and more interesting ways to spend their leisure time, forgetting that relax should agree with physiological rest – essential to keep mental and physical condition.

According to the research conducted by Edenred Group, 50 per cent of Poles are suffering from stress related to professional work. Meanwhile, it is no secret that chronic stress has an influence on deterioration of health, which is closely related to weakening of the immunological system. Stressed people have infections more frequently and according to Swedish scientists, in case of women – stress also increases the possibility of having a breast cancer.

In order to avoid stress, it is good to relax, but it should not only mean an interesting spending of leisure time. Relax is not going to the cinema, ball game or evening spent with friends. Primarily, the most important is a physiological relaxation. It is relax, in which we have loosen muscles and mind free from emotions. Physiological relax, the one related to détente, loosening muscles and releasing emotions, is the relax that we are able to achieve by, for instance, concentrating on the breath. We may observe our breath by sitting comfortable and closing eyes – explains Iwona Kowalewski, Sita expert, specialist in the relaxation area.

Physiological relax is defined as a state in which the mind is released from emotions and among brainwaves, recorded by electroencephalograph, dominate alpha waves with the frequency of ca. 7 Hz. During the relaxation, the heart is beating rhythmical but slow, muscles are loosened, and blood pressure is constant. Such state is attained in a natural way by human body twice a day: just before sleep and right after awakening. These are the moments when the body passes through a certain kind of reset, is on the “stand by”, as some people say. These are the moments which are essential for mental and physical health. This is the relaxation. If we consciously devote time to such relax, our physical and intellectual functioning will be on a much higher level – explains Iwona Kowalewski.

Some things are helpful in introduction our body to a state of relax, such as breathing exercises and special devices which transform the breath into luminous and audio impulses. While receiving them, the human subconsciously regulates the frequency and depth of the breath. Then a feedback between breath and visual as well as auditory impressions comes, which enables the entrance into deep relaxation.

Proper relax is essential to work efficiently. During relaxation, the ability of brain to perception and remember information increases and the resistance to stress is greater. Relax helps to struggle with sleep disorder, obesity and addictions. If we relax in such way, we are able to attain much more for both intellectual and emotional life because regularly putting ourselves and our activities into some perspective allows us to evaluate more accurately what is really important. Everyone may admit that there are some people who are less stressed, who make right decisions easier, and who are satisfied with life and simply live better – says Iwona Kowalewski.

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Wojciech Jędrzejewski (technik masazysta) :
Masaż "Relaks i terapia"
Zabieg oparty na technikach zaczerpniętych z innych masaży.
Łączy w sobie płynność masażu wywołującą uczucie odprężenia, jak również elementy terapeutyczne, które są tak wplecione w masaż, aby nie stracił on swojego relaksującego charakteru.
Całość powoduje likwidacje napięć w obrębie tkanek miękkich, działanie przeciwbólowe, relaksacyjne i odprężające.
November 11, 2014 at 2:23 PM