Raising the bar in Facilities Management

RICS released a report on the subject of Facilities Management from which results that many businessmen don't exploit fully its possibilities.

The most current RICS report is entitled "Let's raise the bar - strategic role's consolidation of Facilities Management" and it indicates that businessmen don't make use of functions, which are offered by a proper FM usage.

Facilities Management means a coordination of workplace, people, infrastructure and organisation. RICS research has focused on FM relations with the most important corporative areas such as HR, IT, Finance, CRE. The relation of Facility Management with the aims and supervisor’s strategy of particular departments was also verified. RICS presented the benefits which can be gained by using FM in management.

Report showed that in fact one fourth of companies don't exploit fully from competitive advantage, which would give optimal deployment of Facility Management. The results of the research show clearly that it's the highest time to start treating Facilities Management strategically. Unfortunately, currently, average supervisor responsible for property data spend over 50% of its time on current issues and less than 21% of time on actions connected with planning and strategy. If we want to fully employ potential of Facilities Management, we have to change it - said Paul Carder, the author of the report.

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