Vantage Development company sold an office

Promenady Epsilon
Promenady Epsilon
Vantage Development SA board informed that Promenady Epsilon subsidiary concluded a lease and sales agreement concerning Promenady Epsilon office building with Warsaw mLeasing company on 3th October 2014.

The object of the lease and sales was the right of perpetual usufruct of the property along with the ownership right which constitutes the separate ownership of the buildings and structures erected on the property.


The lease agreement was concluded for 60 months. 


The lease interest rate is defined as a sum of a margin and EUROWIBOR 1M interest rate. In the performance of the lease agreement, Promenady Epsilon partnership sold a property which was embraced of the lease agreement on the amount of 12 216 683 euro increased by a due tax constituting equivalency of 50 915 285, 49 zlotys on the day of that event.


Promenady Epsilon is the first office which was built in Promenady Wrocławskie investment. The structure is located in the newly emerging Promenady Wrocławskie district ca. 3 km from the market square. The investment was commissioned in the third quarter of 2012. The area in the office is rented by such companies as Quatar Airways, Impel SA or Sinohydro.

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