Sine qua non
Many project developers struggel with the necessity to guarantee large supply of available spaces - this is sn indispensable condition, which comes out ofdevelopment plans of the company. When new tasks are taken over, BPO companies employ large groups of new workers, who need to be provided with office space. And this has to be done quickly, because customers expect outsourcing to begin on time. This means a rise in demand for space of around 1000 square metres at a time. Therefore, a key condition to locate an investment (in a building or/and in a city) are big spare office spaces adjusted to customer's needs. For developers this means they have to listen carefully to those needs.
Because BPO enterprises constantly seek possibilities to optimalise costs of operation, they are more and more often interested even in cities which are smaller than regional agglomerations, where the number of inhabitants reaches 100-200 thousand, such as Rzeszow, Radom or Opole. However, the next step in this area has to be made by developers.
ECO A special tenant - outsourcing companies

Tenants belonging to the modern business services industry, such us BPO/SSC/ITO, more and more often become interested in office spaces outside Warsaw and big regional agglomerations, such as Cracow, Lodz, Gdansk or Poznan.