Do you suffer at work?


Thirty percent of women trying to perform some work standing up.
Respondents most frequently hurt his back, feeling the pain in the shoulders connected, spine and neck, as well as indicate vision problems.

According to the overwhelming majority of respondents construction and office equipment affects the quality of their work. Physical ailments and discomfort at work or school suffers as much as 70 percent. Poles. What hurts, why and how to prevent?

More than 70 per cent. Poles feel at work or school, discomfort, and more than half complains of pain - according to a study commissioned by ROL Ergo®. Respondents most frequently hurt his back (43 percent.). Respondents also feel pain in the shoulders connected, spine and neck (35 percent.), and also indicate vision problems (31 percent.). Much of the respondents also complain of neck pain (22 percent.) In addition, hands (12 percent.). Only 24 percent of people do not experience any physical discomfort at work.

According to the study cited above, more likely to experience pain than men: No discomfort has declared only 15 percent of women, while among men the figure was 33 percent. Respondents have been asked also about the nature of their work. As is clear from the answers, sitting Poles spend approx. 70 percent of time. A walk in operation selected 30 percent of respondents, while they are mostly women. It also women are more likely to work standing up - gentlemen prefer to sit.

The key to the physical comfort of employees

According to the overwhelming majority of respondents - 98 percent. - Construction and office equipment affects the quality of their work. We are aware that ergonomic workplace is the key to the physical comfort of workers, and thus greater efficiency of their operation. Therefore, we are looking for solutions that change the office space friendly and comfortable. All over the world, they are so organized to foster productivity and creativity, but above all to take care of the health of workers. In Poland, this need has already been noticed by modern corporations, and by architects, lawyers and managers, that is, those who often have to spend a lot of time at your desk - emphasizes Darius Urlakis, Brand Manager products ERGO Drive ©, supplied by ROL Ergo®.

Many employers, according to the declaration of subjects, neglecting the relevant office equipment. Only 11 percent of respondents have a work desk with adjustable height, and only 29 percent to influence the temperature in the room in which the operation. Furthermore, because 43 percent, it can be customize the type of lighting to suit your needs, while 51 percent in his office chair with adjustable height. As much as 31 percent of respondents claim that there is no effect on any of these elements.

Poor body position, inadequate office furniture - all this not only leads to minor ailments, but also to serious illnesses. Most vulnerable are not office workers. Our northern neighbors are among the first to realize this, and therefore as much as 70 percent of desks in Scandinavia are regulated, which allows you to change position from sitting to standing. This allows you to perform physical activity, which reduces the risk of experiencing back pain, and also increases the productivity of employees and their job satisfaction - adds Darius Urlakis.

An interesting finding is the correlation between education and worker comfort of his work. At the uncomfortable working conditions are the most vulnerable people with basic education - as much as 52 percent of them say that they cannot adapt to their office furniture needs. Among people with higher education is 16 percent of respondents.

The study has conducted on 10-12 June 2014. Institute for Interactive Market Research. Respondents were 550 people aged 18-50 years.

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