Work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.?

Flexible worktime is being introduced mainly by large and medium enterprises, pic by,6878,tysiac-firm-z-elastycznym-czasem-pracy.html
According to the National Labor Inspectorate, 1079 companies in Poland introduced flexible worktime within last year. Most of them are located in Katowice, Poznań and Cracow.

The interest in flexible worktime in companies is growing from month to month. However, there is no announced crowd of willing, against which the union men warned. The lack of flexible solutions would place Polish companies on worse position from the very beginning. And now it gives a chance for improvement of the whole economy’s competitiveness – says Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, Minister for Labor and Social Policy.

Primarily, flexible worktime has been introduced by large enterprises (403) and also by companies which hire from 9 to 49 people (305). The interest in such form of employment is shown mainly by enterprises which are professionally engaged in manufacturing, trade, repairs and construction.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy reminds that making the worktime flexible is possible from August 2013. Employers who want to introduce it are able to make a use of two possibilities – extend the clearing period of worktime to maximum 12 months, which allows to adjust work to current orders, or introduce the possibility of flexible working hours, thanks to which the employees may start and finish their work in different days of the week and different hours. Therefore, it is easier for them to reconcile professional duties with family life.

However, the entrepreneurs cannot forget that the introduction of flexible worktime does not release them from the necessity of paying for overtime, although longer work may be recompensed by additional leisure time.

Flexible worktime is being realized in many countries of the European Union, i.a. in Great Britain, Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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