PPNT puts its money on innovativeness

Zespol Inkubatorow Wysokich Technologii is to be opened in Poznanski Park Naukowo Technologiczny im. A. Mickiewicza.

Zespol Inkubatorow Wysokich Technologii is an answer to a constantly growing demand of businessmen who own innovative companies and those who want to study their ideas for business on high tech market, especially in chemistry, biotechnology, modern materials and IT.

Zespol Inkubatorow Wysokich Technologii (ZIWT) is a next stage of Poznan knowledge transfer project that has been ongoing for the past 17 years. Thanks to ZIWT the offer of PPNT is a unique opportunity for business to meet science in Wielkopolska. The complex of buildings is to be built and ready to use in the middle of 2012.

Chemical and biotechnological laboratories equipped with furniture, gear and laboratory apparatus (30 and 50 sq. meters), office spaces and storehouses are to be available for rent in a building covering 4600 sq. meters. Microbiological labs (150 sq. meters), modern, safe server room (120 sq. meters) and technology hall (120 sq. meters) are to broaden the offer of ZIWT.

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