Development of Wyspa Spichrzów

The future of Wyspa Spirzchów depends on the partnership between the city of Gdańsk and Polnord.

According to the future of Wyspa Spirzchów depends on the partnership between the city of Gdańsk and Polnord.

The city of Gdańsk and Polnord plan to utilize for development a 2.6 hectare area. According to the portal on the New Year’s Eve The city of Gdańsk and Polnord signed an agreement confirming the creation of a company that will be responsible for erection of apartments, a hotel, office buildings, the headquarter of Muzeum Bursztynu and 730 garage places as well as an underground infrastructure. The investment’s value is estimated at approximately 450 M. PLN. Owing to the contribution in the form of the area of an estimated value of 59 M. PLN is going to possess 49 per cent of shares, whereas Polnord, that is going provide the same amount in cash and is going to finance and built all the objects, will have 51 per cent of shares.

The agreement between the shareholders of the company remains a secret. For this reason there are no details concerning the ownership of Muzeum Bursztynu as well as whether the city will remain the partner in the company or will withdraw from it. Those issues remain without explanation, however the officials ensure that the interests of the city have been secured – as we read further.

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