Two weeks’ holiday leave not for everyone

According to the research conducted by the website, not every employee may count on a two weeks’ holiday leave.

Every sixth Polish employee is not able to get an uninterrupted and two weeks’ holiday leave, that is a benefit which is one of the fundamental rights entitled to employees. The reasons for this situation are i.a. too many duties and lack of people for replacement during holiday leaves.


The violation of law very often occurs in companies from smaller cities. It is difficult to find a job there and thus it is not a surprise that employees do not react in such situations – says Małgorzata Majewska, expert from the website. An employer who does not agree to give an employee fourteen days of a continuous leave may be recorded to the National Labor Inspectorate and punished with a fine which totals not less than 1000 zlotys up to even 30 000 zlotys.  


Employers should be more aware about benefits resulting from a holiday leave which enables regeneration and has a positive influence on each employee’s effectiveness in performance of their duties. In reality, a holiday leave should be treated as an investment in employee and not as a duty of an employer.


See more: Work more slowly!


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