A new complex with offices in a historical granary

Księcia Witolda Street in Wrocław, pic by wroclaw.fotopolska.eu
Księcia Witolda Street in Wrocław, pic by wroclaw.fotopolska.eu
The i2 Development company signed a protocol of tender with the Municipal Office of Wrocław and thus it purchased a historical property in Wrocław.

The i2 Development group purchased a half-hectare area located at Księcia Witolda 46 Street from the Municipal Office in Wrocław through a sealed tender. There is a historical granary located on the plot. Its modernization envisages establishment of a residential and construction complex. The developer’s plans will be agreed with a voivodeship preservationist. At present, the investor is waiting for signing of a contract with the Municipal City of Wrocław and then he will be able to officially commence the first construction works.


We signed a protocol from the tender on 7th May. We are very glad that the conception presented by our company was accepted. We really cared about obtainment of that area – our offered price exceeded the bid price. The re-utilization of the granary is coincident with our strategy concerning the realization of investments with monuments placed on their areas. We are still analyzing other plots in the city center of Wrocław in order to purchase them – comments Marcin Misztal, vice-chairman in i2 Development.


i2 Development is a group of partnerships which realize residential and commercial investments on the area of Wrocław. Moreover, the general contractor KPB Sp. z o.o. joined the developer – that is i2 Development Sp. z o.o. in 2012 and Chamielec Architekci Sp. z o.o. architectural studio became a new member of the group in 2014. The partnerships have formed a formal capital group – i2 Development since 2015 and they run residential and commercial investments in various districts of Wrocław.  


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