Remote access... wherever you are!

Jarosław Stelmaszek presents possibilities of iGPM system.
Jarosław Stelmaszek presents possibilities of iGPM system.
Owners of offices do not have to be in their premises to check a current data from the devices installed in buildings.

IGPM System enables i.a. remote access in a real-time to actual data from devices in a building, legal, technical, domestic and financial information about own properties and maps, projections of storeys, location of rooms and facilities.

- It is enough to have an iPad with and access to the Internet and it allows you to have an access to all data. As in our advertising film, you can be on holiday in Croatia fishing meanwhile you can talk with a standing next to you Croatian, who e.g. is looking for a business premises in Kraków. Immediately you can show, which premises you have available, present some photographs, coordinate contract terms, compile it and due to the access to the printer you can even print it and sign it. In this moment a customer can go to Kraków to his rented premises. Metaphorically, the owner has all his premises with himself. Owners very often have scattered properties, e.g. one office in Spain, another properties in Germany, Poland. Due to iGPM someone can easily do business and have preview on one's premises while being on vacation in Caribbean - says Jarosław Stelmaszek vice-chairman of iGPM.

Using this solution can beneficially impact on management of premises. It allows to get rid off pile of documents, which are available in a virtual reality. Most of all, this system is an efficient housekeeping, service, logistic, transactions as well as service of contractors.

- Our system has a beneficial impact on improvement of functionality of the office premises. Firstly, all paper documents which relate to the building can be transfer into a computer and you can have an access to documents in soft copy. Our software serves to improvement of property management process, and offers few unique features. Primarily, we can mention an implementation of property portfolio to the system, including maps, possibility of marking premises, sharing and linking rooms in premises. Another unique feature is an easy system BMS, which allows you to read data, make reports. We give owners a device, which let them check what happens with their office even if they are far away - says Jarosław Stelmaszek.

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