SPA for flowers

pic Kwiaty dla Biura
Spring is associated with a blooming period, thus now we start to think about flower maintenance more intensively. Kinga Dzwonnik, Kwiaty dla Biura, explains how to nurse flowers.


Why is it worth replanting flowers? Would not be enough to change only the outer layer of the ground?

The outer layer allows us to maintain aesthetics. The ground in the pot is scoured over time, thus we have to make up for the deficit. However, when the rootage expands, we should remove it to another pot in a given moment. When we leave our flower in too small pot, they do not have enough place for roots, which hampers further growth. The recommendations are different, for all depends on expansion of the rootage, however, it is advisable to replant flowers every 2 or 3 years to a pot which is bigger by as much as 4 cm from the previous one.


You have already mentioned about the necessity of cleaning our plants. Why is it so important?

Dust accumulates on plants which are placed in our houses and offices. It is not good for flowers because it does not allow them to breathe. The cleaning of plants is related to washing them and dusting their leaves. Thereby, flowers are clean and we allow them to breathe. Additionally, when we polish our plant after washing, it perfectly presents itself in our office or home.


When we should start the fight against diseases and pests?

There is no proper season of the year when it comes to healing of our plants. The fight against diseases should be immediately started after noticing the first symptoms. There are some parasites which transfer to other plants and the healing of flowers in such an advanced stadium of disease is very difficult. When our company notices disease of our client’s plant, we usually do some chemical spraying and it is defeated. It happens like that because disease is detected in the very early stadium, which allows for quick healing of such a plant. Unfortunately, when our client comes to us with a sick flower, disease is often so advanced that we cannot do much in order to save this plant.


How we should take care of our plants which are located outside, for instance, in decorative pots at the main entrance to the office?

When it comes to such plants, first and foremost, we should check if they survived the winter period. We observe growth and each new sprigs. If the plant survived the winter period, they can be trimmed. It is also worth cleaning it and adding some ground to them.


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IK z W-wy :
Dziękuję Pani Kingo za przypomnienie i rady jak pielęgnować rośliny :)
May 23, 2017 at 9:39 PM