Offices near the Chopin Airport

It is possible to rent offices near the Chopin Airport in Warsaw. The building is owned by the company Petrolot Sp. z o.o.

At the beginning of July of the current year, the company Petrolot Sp. z o.o. assigned for rent 3 666 sq.m. of office area in the building B, situated at ul. J. Gordona Bennetta 2B in Warsaw. It is also possible to use 80 parking places located under the building.

The building responds to standards established by modern office buildings. It is equipped with necessary technological installations and at the same time offers air conditioning and twenty-four-hour external monitoring. What is more, corridors offer an access control system. The access to the building is protected by security workers. Its offices are characterized by big accessibility of light and spaciousness. Apart from the high comfort and standard of rooms, the building enables an access to the infrastructure and public transport, which is its additional asset.

In the building, there in a snack-bar, run by LOT Catering, which offers an access to an observation terrace.

The office area can be adapted by one or many companies.

The company Petrolot Sp. z o.o. was established in 1997 by Petrochemia Płock SA and Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT (Polish Airlines LOT) Even though the company initially restricted itself to supplying airplanes at the Warszawa-Okęcie airport, it currently works on supplying twelve Polish airports, both commercial and aeroclub ones, with fuel.

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Feniks : naprawdę bezcenny dar dla wawy. Pracowałem w tym miejscu jeszcze tydzień temu bez umowy wynagrodzenia i dziękuję.jestem w trakcie składania zawiadomienia o przestępstwie.niebswem cdn.
December 16, 2018 at 11:11 PM